Exhibition 2024

Later this year, at our meet in August at Princes Risbrorough School, Buckinghamshire, we will be holding our annual exhibition. This is a great time to showcase your work, convey stories, and connect with audiences from your fellow campers and members of the local public.

Not only do we have our normal print competition but this year we are reintroducing the Panel Competition. It will be prints this year, not digital as well. Many of us who are members of various Camera Clubs will know what this entails, but for our members who are unsure you will find some guidelines below to help you. Hopefully this will give everyone enough time to prepare their images. A panel of three SEPARATE prints should feature a common theme, I.e. three landscapes, three portraits, etc. The prints SHOULD all be mounted on matching boards and be in a similar colour palette. The back of the prints should be clearly marked LEFT, CENTRE and RIGHT and clearly labelled with the title of the panel. An example of such a panel is shown opposite.

So why not join us at the meet, and enter some of your work for an unforgettable journey at our upcoming photography exhibition, where stunning visuals and compelling stories come together in a breathtaking display of talent and creativity.

For this years rules & Exhibition catalogue please click below.