Thinking of joining?
You will enjoy the benefits of a camera club membership, but with a more flexible, informal and friendly experience. All skill levels are welcomed and encouraged. You may want to use only a mobile phone to take photographs or possibly be a young member keen to learn and develop digital editing skills or an older person taking up photography as a hobby for the first time. You may be a novice looking for some friendly advice or a more experienced photographer willing to share your skills with others. You may hold photographic distinctions or be a professional photographer willing to help or wish to compete where the section enters competitions. All are welcome.
We normally offer monthly Meets between March and October in interesting and varied locations, some at Club sites.
The Meets are run by volunteer Stewards from Thursday until the following Tuesday; however you may book for part of the meet, or for all of the meet. The weekend allows those with commitments to attend also.
Each Meet includes daily coffee mornings, ideal for developing friendships and finding out about the days activities. There will be numerous photographic opportunities and options to visit nearby places of interest either with other club members or alternatively you are free to 'wander off' on your own.
Evening photographic talks are held where speakers will share photographic knowledge in many subjects.
Occasionally the programme may include a Temporary Holiday Site over a longer period.
Normally sometime during the first and last meet, a meal out is organised at a local pub and details to book are supplied with the meet confirmation.
Want to join?
To join the Photographic Section
Please call the HQ Membership Department on:
024 7647 5442