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Steve Kingswell ARPS AFIAP - An Alternative Camera Manual

Steve considers himself an Art Photographer, and says &; "Whether it is fine art is the viewer’s
decision";. Well, we have a chance to find out. Steve regards photography as much more than just a
series of attractive images. We know from other clubs that his talk is well received
His talk will be called; Alternate Camera Manual - Sounds intriguing!
Steve runs street photography workshops & other education services for photographers, mainly in
London, and we can have a discount on these by using the code SPA25OFF until the end of 2023, but
also we might arrange that for 2024 if the PG members are sufficiently interested.To see Steve Kingswell's ARPS submission see his website at

24 November

Ken Scott ARPS, MBPSs - Joy of Seeing